Introducing Lendr
3 min readJun 1, 2023


The Current Stablecoin Market

As a company, we have observed significant systemic issues in the stablecoin market:

  • In the past year, stablecoin holders lost over 9 billion USD worth of spending power due to inflation.
  • Multiple top 10 stablecoins have temporarily or permanently deviated from their intended peg, resulting in billions of dollars in losses for holders.
  • The stablecoin market carries risks as many stablecoins rely on other centralized stablecoins for backing.
  • Many stablecoins lack utility beyond maintaining stability, offering no financial incentives for interacting with their protocols.

We aim to address these issues and more with our latest token and ecosystem: Lendr!

What is Lendr?

Lendr is a decentralized lending protocol that operates without governance, offering interest-free loans for real-world assets (RWAs) on the blockchain. It also introduces an inflation-proof stablecoin called LendrUSD (USDL).

Here are some key features of the Lendr network:

  • 0% Interest Rate DeFi Loans
  • Inflation-Proof Stablecoin — LendrUSD (USDL) pegged to the inflation index instead of the dollar
  • Real-world assets represented as tokens
  • Leverage BNB positions (up to 11x)
  • Over Collateralized Backing (110%+)
  • Token Stability Rewards System — Users are financially incentivized to maintain the token’s peg.
  • Stakers Earn Money — Over 30% of the total Lendr (LNDR) supply is reserved for staking rewards.
  • Decentralized and Governance-Free
  • Protocol-Wide Recovery Mode — A protective built-in system to ensure over-collateralization if collateral value drops significantly.
  • Fully Redeemable — USDL can be redeemed for 1:1 BNB backing by anyone at any time, eliminating concerns about losing value to de-pegging.

How does it work?

  1. Users can mint USDL with BNB collateral at a minimum ratio of 110% with a 0% interest rate. If their collateral falls below 110%, their position can be liquidated by any user who will receive financial rewards for doing so. This maintains a system-wide collateralization ratio above 110%.
  2. Users can stake their USDL tokens in the Stability Pool, which receives BNB rewards during liquidations. The Stability Pool also receives over 30% of the LNDR total supply as staking rewards, with a larger proportion of tokens distributed during the launch for early adoption incentives.
  3. Users can stake LNDR in the rewards pool that receives tokens from the USDL ecosystem whenever users issue USDL, redeem USDL, or repay their USDL loans.
  4. Users have the flexibility to repay their loans or redeem USDL for BNB at any time.
  5. All fees generated within the ecosystem are distributed to LNDR stakers or USDL stakers. The Lendr does not directly receive any fees from the system.

Next Steps

The smart contracts for Lendr are in their final stages of development. Once completed, the presale for the Lendr (LNDR) token will be conducted. Information about the presale will be announced on Lendr’s social media channels, accessible through the website:

After the conclusion of the Lendr (LNDR) presale, the Lendr network will be launched, enabling users to start interacting with the platform by minting USDL and earning rewards!



Fully decentralized real world asset (RWA) tokens representing any asset class. Diversify on-chain and use RWAs in DeFi.